Halloween Night 2022

As you can tell by the title, in this paragraph I’m going to speak about my fun Halloween night of 2022. To start of, this year I wanted to go as something spooky and old. So the perfect idea was Freddy Krueger, because he’s a scary character and I love the movie “A Nightmare On Elm Street” from the 80’s. My friends also went as super creative characters this year. First part of Halloween was my day at school, I showed up to school in my awesome costume, and was super excited about the day ahead. A ton of kids ended up wearing their costumes, which definitely brought up the Halloween spirit, and all the kids that wore costumes or dressed up got to take a photo with the Grade twelves. For the rest of the day, we didn’t do to many Halloween themed activities.

But near the end of the school day, we had a super fun Halloween dance. With music, dancing, and delicious snacks. The Grade nines playing some popular Halloween songs, and some catchy ones. We also had a great times dancing to the music, all my friends were having dance battles with one another. Then later on, we did some actual competitions with the other students, like the dance move and partner competition. The last activity we did was called the snowball, you danced with a partner to Halloween music, and then when the person screamed “SNOWBALL” you had to switch dance partners. We all had a great time at the dance and I loved everyone’s costumes.

When I got home, I put on my face mask, fake scissor hand, and my cowgirl hat. To make my costume more detailed and noticeable. Then I walked in the freezing cold, over to Titus’s house, and met up with Nick, Titus, and some of my other friends. I got my Halloween bag set up, too some pictures, then head outside with my friends. At the beginning, we did each and every individual house, but started skipping homes as we slowly got more tired and cold, then met up with a couple more friends. After going halfway through the neighbourhood, we stopped at my house and took a break, ate some candy, did some tumbling, then went to some more houses. After going through most of town, we went to the Circle K and got some drinks and candy, and because of how late is was, we all decided to go home for the night. But my friends went back to my house and watched some TV before they both got picked up. I would say that my Halloween night of 2022 was super fun and exciting. My friends and I all had a great time, and this was definitely one of the most fun Halloween’s.

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