
I love seasons and most types of weather, but my all time favorite is summer for tons of reasons.

One of my reasons is, I LOVE swimming in pools, beaches and lakes. I always like to have my friends over at my pool to play fun games. But I’ve also recently enjoyed using the public pool, the public pool is super convenient because it’s beside the park, baseball diamond, and the arena. The public pool is also cheap, safe and a fun option for anyone who wants to go swimming.

Another reason I love summer, is because I get to be outdoors all the time. I get to go hiking, swimming and jogging whenever I want, with all my friends. But my all-time favorite outdoor activity, is biking. I enjoy biking in my neighborhood, in town and visiting other towns. I can also bike to candy stores, libraries and the park. Biking is super fun, and good for you, that’s why I love it so much.

My third reason is, although this doesn’t happen every summer. I adore concerts, festivals and theme parks. This summer, I went to a Justin Bieber concert with my family, and it was one of the loudest, but most fun events I did this summer. I have always enjoyed theme parks, especially South mountain park. I love the excitement and nervousness of going onto hectic roller coasters, where my body gets flipped around and makes me nauseous after. Last part I love is the festivals. My favorite festival I have gone to, is the one inside the South Mountain park. It has the most fun games, yummiest snacks, and awesome prizes. The festival is one of my favorite parts of South Mountain park.

These are all the reasons that summer is my all time favorite season, and I hope you enjoyed!

Why I Would Live In A Zoo

If I were forced to spend the rest of my life in a library, a museum, or a zoo, I would choose a zoo, for multiple good reasons. My first reason is because I adore animals, they are adorable, kind, and interesting to learn about. All the animals that I normally meet at the zoo are either scary-looking, or super gentil-looking. I would also love to wake up every morning and see my favorite animals. My second reason is that I could look after the animals and care for them. I would feed them, give them water, and play with the safe animals. I would do this because I would want the animals to enjoy me being there, and to enjoy hanging out with me. My third reason is, I would get to educate myself a bit more on animals, species, and their habitat. Just seeing the animals would make me want to do more research, and to pay attention to their eating habits, personalities, and their daily activities. These are some reasons why I would choose to live at the zoo.Β 

Halloween Night 2022

As you can tell by the title, in this paragraph I’m going to speak about my fun Halloween night of 2022. To start of, this year I wanted to go as something spooky and old. So the perfect idea was Freddy Krueger, because he’s a scary character and I love the movie “A Nightmare On Elm Street” from the 80’s. My friends also went as super creative characters this year. First part of Halloween was my day at school, I showed up to school in my awesome costume, and was super excited about the day ahead. A ton of kids ended up wearing their costumes, which definitely brought up the Halloween spirit, and all the kids that wore costumes or dressed up got to take a photo with the Grade twelves. For the rest of the day, we didn’t do to many Halloween themed activities.

But near the end of the school day, we had a super fun Halloween dance. With music, dancing, and delicious snacks. The Grade nines playing some popular Halloween songs, and some catchy ones. We also had a great times dancing to the music, all my friends were having dance battles with one another. Then later on, we did some actual competitions with the other students, like the dance move and partner competition. The last activity we did was called the snowball, you danced with a partner to Halloween music, and then when the person screamed “SNOWBALL” you had to switch dance partners. We all had a great time at the dance and I loved everyone’s costumes.

When I got home, I put on my face mask, fake scissor hand, and my cowgirl hat. To make my costume more detailed and noticeable. Then I walked in the freezing cold, over to Titus’s house, and met up with Nick, Titus, and some of my other friends. I got my Halloween bag set up, too some pictures, then head outside with my friends. At the beginning, we did each and every individual house, but started skipping homes as we slowly got more tired and cold, then met up with a couple more friends. After going halfway through the neighbourhood, we stopped at my house and took a break, ate some candy, did some tumbling, then went to some more houses. After going through most of town, we went to the Circle K and got some drinks and candy, and because of how late is was, we all decided to go home for the night. But my friends went back to my house and watched some TV before they both got picked up. I would say that my Halloween night of 2022 was super fun and exciting. My friends and I all had a great time, and this was definitely one of the most fun Halloween’s.

A Bad Decision

As you can probably tell by the title, I’m going to be talking about a very bad decision I have made in the past which caused something awful to happen to me.

One day, in the third grade, I was walking on the concrete outside of my school with my friend. That same day, I happen to have been wearing new, large ugg’s that same day with my large backpack.

While my friend and I were calmly walking around the school property. We suddenly started getting chased on the school pavement. My friend and I’s first instinct was to run away as fast as we could. Well, I should’ve never started running. he reason why, is because, as soon as I started running. I had a ton of difficulty, my large ugg’s and my heavy backpack were slowing me down a lot, it made running fast very difficult. Till eventually, I tripped on my ugg’s, and had a large fall, flat onto my face. But I mainly fell on the top of my forehead, at the time, I thought I was alright, but I clearly was not. When I sat up, I didn’t feel anything at first, but then I slowly felt the blood drip down my face, and I felt the pain. But I cannot describe the pain, because is was sort of indescribable. I have not had such an awful injury since then, but even in the moment, I couldn’t describe what I was feeling. I slowly stood up, dizzy and heard a teacher coming over to help me. I slowly started to walk over to the doors, to the school. As I was walking over, I saw a ton of kids giving me nasty looks, but in a grossed out way, not in a rude way. I walking inside the school, super upset and embarrassed, and went quickly to the office to get cleaned up. After awhile of band-aids, ice packs and water, I was eventually alright and didn’t end up having a concussion. But I still think about this day and what I could’ve done to prevent this fall.

My Favourite Winter Activity

My favourite winter activity is Sledding, for a ton of good reasons. My first reason is, it’s something fun you can do with your friends. Every winter, I always try to go Sledding with all of my friends, my sister and my cousins. We always end up having an awesome time, and always end up having a good laugh. Then we can walk back to my house, and continue to do fun activities. My second reason is, the way to go sledding is super close to my house, It is just down the road and through the park and baseball diamonds. This makes sledding more simpler because I don’t have to get driven there. I can also go sledding whenever I want, with out having to ask. My third reason is, I have a TON of hilarious memories that have taken place there, like the time I whacked the back of my neck on a tree. Or the time my four friends and I attempted to go on a sled together, and we all completely flew in the air, I laughed so hard that day. These are my reasons why I love sledding and it is my favourite winter activity.

Something I Love

Something I love is gymnastics, for multiple reasons. There is so many different activities you can do in gymnastics including bars, beam, vault, tumble track and floor.

My favourite station is floor because I adore tumbling, and I have for many years. My best tumbling skills are back-tucks, back-handsprings and aerials. But i’ll admit I have an advantage because i’m tall and get more power then most of the other kids. The main reason I love it is because I get new skills there almost every day.

My least favourite station is bars because my hands get very slippery, and bars give me tons of calluses. It is also by far the most difficult station. But I do have some pretty impressive skills on there including a front hip-circle and a squat-on. I’ve struggled with bars since I’ve started gymnastics, it almost took me a whole month to learn my pull-over, and I still haven’t achieved my kip that I have been working on for a long time. These are reasons why I don’t personally enjoys bars.

Vault is very similar to floor except there is a large spring-board and a large block. You jump from large spring-board to the block, while doing skill including front-handsprings and round-offs. I’ve been working on my vault skills for about a year now, and have improved a lot, including the time I got my round-off back-handspring, I cannot describe the amount of happiness and shock I felt when I achieved this skill. To this day, i’m still working on and improving my vault skills.

I slightly enjoy beam but it’s also challenging for me. Because of how high I am off the ground, and how skinny the beam is, it generally makes it the second most difficult event there, in my opinion. I’m still working on my side aerial and my back-walkover on the beam. There are also different levels on beam, there is a size small beam, a couple medium sized beams and a large beam.

The last station there is in gymnastics is the tumble track. I highly enjoy tumble track because, it includes a ton of tumbling which I personally enjoy. But it’s on a trampoline, but slightly less bouncy. It make tumbling lines a lot simpler, a lot less scary and more safe to attempt new skills, in fact, it is how i accomplished my back-tuck. This is a lot of children and I love the tumble track.

I’ve been doing gymnastics for three years now and it’s my favourite sport I’ve ever done. I even practice my skills at home and outdoors, it’s very convenient. These are a list of my reasons why I adore gymnastics.